Thanks For Trusting Us!
We know you have options and can choose to do business anywhere, so a sincere "Thank You" from the Marine Diagnostic Tools team in trusting us as your solution provider. This page will help get you onboarded and up to speed quickly with your new tool!
✔ Quick 10 Minute Training
The videos below give you a an overview of the software, how to navigate it, and how to connect properly to marine engines and boats. Select either the TEXA IDC5 or the Cojali Jaltest option, depending on what you purchased.
Jaltest Walk Through
TEXA Walk Through
MINI Scan Tool Walk Through
✔ More In-Depth Training
For customers on our Cojali Jaltest software we offer a more in-depth training. This is a 1-hour pre-recorded webinar that gets into much more details. Simply click here to get started:
✔ Book A One-On-One Session
If you would like to book a one-on-one personalized training session, we can do that too! Fill this form out below and our system will text and email you get you scheduled at a convenient time.
✔ Technical Support
While we are your first line of technical support, you can also reach out directly to TEXA or Cojali as needed as well.
MDT Tech Support - 844-627-4630
Cojali Jaltest Tech Support - 800-975-7965
TEXA Tech Support - 855-839-262